MongoDB Setup

MongoDB Setup

Follow the below instructions to set up a MongoDB server in your system.

  1. Go to
  2. Download the MongoDB Community Server as per your system's OS.
  3. Install the MongoDB Community Server using the downloaded setup using the default configurations.
  4. It should have been installed in the path: C:\Program Files\MongoDB
  5. Now, visit
  6. Download the MongoDB Shell.
  7. Install it. I must be installed in the path: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Programs\mongosh
  8. In the above path, there are 2 files: mongosh.exe and mongocryptd-mongosh.exe. Copy these 2 inside C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\5.0\bin
  9. Open command prompt as an administrator.
  10. To make sure that the MongoDB server is running, enter the command net start MongoDB. It'll start the MongoDB server, if not running already.
  11. Then enter the command mongosh. A shell to open MongoDB commands will open.

If the mongosh command is successful, you've set up MongoDB in your system successfully.